Business Office, Tuition and Fees

Welcome to the Business Office home page. The Business Office is the billing hub for North Country Community College.
The Business Office strives to provide professional, courteous and high-quality service to the North Country Community College community, while following New York State mandated directives.
We are always improving and updating processes and procedures to assist our students. Our office is where students:
-Pay bills for: tuition and fees, non-credit courses, fax fees, dorm charges, meal plans etc.
-Submit Certificate of Residence forms
-Set up payment plans
-Pick up refund checks, payroll and work-study checks
-Inquire about tuition, fees, refunds, financial obligations, 1098-T tax forms
Contact Information Locations and Hours
Business Office – Tuition and Bill Payments
23 Santanoni Avenue
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Phone: 518-891-2915 ext. 1688
Fax: 518-891-6562 
Saranac Lake: Hodson Hall
Malone: Ballard Mill
Ticonderoga: Main building, Welcome Center
Office Hours:
Academic Year: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Summer Hours:  Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm
FEDERAL ID #14-1497536
NCCC email is the main form of communication between the offices of NCCC and our students. Please check your email daily for updates, reminders on billing, closures/delays, financial aid information, events and more.

Academic Year 2024-2025  *(Effective Fall 2024)

Full Time:
  • Tuition NYS Residents: $5,400.00 per academic year. New York State residents must have a Certificate of Residence on file in order to receive the resident tuition rate. Click the following link for instructions. New York State Residency Requirements
  • Tuition Non-Resident: $8,088.00 per academic year 
  • Alumni Fee:  $9.00 each Fall and Spring Term
  • Security Fee: $7.00 per credit hour, fee is capped at $75.00
  • Student Activity Fee: 10.00 per credit hour, fee is capped at $120.00
  • Athletic/Recreation Fee: $8.50 per credit hour, fee is capped at $100.00
    • Saranac Lake Campus Only
  • Technology Fee:  $30.00 per credit hour, fee is capped at $360.00
  • Late Payment Fee: $75.00
  • Room & Board: $11,336.00 per academic year *subject to change
  • New Student Fee: $125.00 first full-time semester
 Part Time:
  • Tuition, NYS residents: $225.00 per credit hour. New York State residents must have a Certificate of Residence on file in order to receive the resident tuition rate. Click the following link for instructions. New York State Residency Requirements
  • Tuition, non-residents: $337.00 per credit hour
  • Alumni Fee:  $9.00 each Fall and Spring Term
  • Security Fee: $7.00 per credit hour, fee is capped at $75.00
  • Student Activity Fee: 10.00 per credit hour, fee is capped at $120.00
  • Athletic/Recreation Fee: $8.50 per credit hour, fee is capped at $100.00
    • Saranac Lake Campus Only
  • Technology Fee:  $30.00 per credit hour, fee is capped at $360.00
  • Late Payment Fee: $75.00
  • Room & Board: $11,336.00 per academic year *subject to change
Full-time students (12 credits and above) will be charged tuition on a term basis. Part-time students (1-11 credits) will be charged tuition on a per credit hour basis.  Summer and Winter tuition is charged on a per credit hour basis.
Additional Course Fees are assessed according to your program or course selection.
*All costs are subject to change without notice
For a detailed breakdown of cost per credit for Tuition & Fees please click on this link:
The below is a base estimate for Resident and Non-Resident Students to help with financial planning. Tuition and Fees are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees. To be considered a Full Time Student, the student must maintain 12 or more credits. For a breakdown of cost for all other credits please follow the link above for our Full Tuition & Fees Schedules.
2025-2026 ESTIMATED BUDGET RESIDENT with Certificate of Residency Full Time Semester Full Time Year 2025-2026 ESTIMATED BUDGET NON-RESIDENTS / INTERNATIONAL & RESIDENT w/o Certificate of Residency Full Time Semester Full Time Year
Tuition/Fees* 3,750.00 7,500.00 Tuition/Fees* 5,250.00 10,500.00
Room/Board 6,155.00 12,310.00 Room/Board 6,155.00 12,310.00
Books/Supplies 975.00 1,950.00 Books/Supplies 975.00 1,950.00
Transportation 500.00 1,000.00 Transportation 2,000.00 4,000.00
Personal 1,000.00 2,000.00 Personal 1,000.00 2,000.00
Estimated Cost of Attendance 12,380.00 24,760.00 Estimated Cost of Attendance 15,380.00 30,760.00
*Tuition/Fees figure shown is an average - Fees and books are different for each course

**Transportation and Personal Expenses are not direct costs  

***Tuition & Fees are subject to change at any time

New Student Required Forms

Billing Disclosure and Authorization Contract: This form is required to be signed at the start of the term and updated annually by all students and is available through the student portal and this DocuSign LinkHERE. NCCC often refers to this as the "BDA" form. Until the document is completed the student will see the note on the bottom of their printed statements as a 'hold'.  This form lays out the financial responsibility of our students and important policies which relate to the charges on the account:
  • Requirement to pay tuition and fees by the due date, liability for any collection and legal costs incurred as a result of failure to pay, application of financial aid to the student account and acceptance of extra monies in a refund
  • Who the Business Office is given permission to disclose pertinent Billing Information to other than the student
  • Understanding of the College Withdrawal Policy and Tuition Refund Schedule
  • NYS Residency Requirement for In State Tuition eligibility
NCCC's Drop Policy: Courses dropped in writing prior to the start of term are dropped without any financial liability and a will not be noted on the student transcript. Dropping or withdrawing from a course after the start date results in the student being subject to the tuition and fees. Non-attendance in classes does not relieve the student of financial liability. It is the student’s responsibility to make all changes to their courses in writing with the proper forms with the Record’s Office.  
Class Attendance, Academic Progress and Financial Aid Eligibility: The College assumes students who register for classes accept the responsibility for full payment and are expected to attend class sessions regularly. When students drop courses during the first four weeks of a semester the Financial Aid Office is required to adjust aid awards accordingly. Do not drop credits and stop attending classes without investigating the academic and financial aid penalties.


Residency Forms:

*NYS Residency is due by the 30th day of classes or the Out of State Tuition Rate Equivalent is added to the student bill.
Franklin & Essex County Permanent Residents: Are required to present proof of residency directly to the Business Office annually to qualify for the Resident / In State Tuition Rate. Students can complete this through the Student Portal Billing page or through this ONLINE LINK. A Certificate of Residence from the Franklin of Essex County Treasurer's Officer is not required.
NYS County Residents (other than Franklin & Essex): Are required to obtain a Certificate of Residence from their respective resident County Treaurer's Office(s) to qualify for the Resident / In-State Tuition Rate. Certificates of Residence must be updated each year, or every 12 months, obtained no earlier than 60 days prior to the start of term and no later than 30 days after the start of term. This is a requirement under NYS Education Law with the deadlines being by the State, not the College. Please visit our "Residency Requirements" page for details on how to obtain your Certificate of Residence. 
Billing Timeline: First bills are sent out after the registration date for each student. Monthly bills follow on the 1st of each month for Fall and Spring semesters, 15th of each month for the Summer term. Email reminders will go out mid-month to the student’s NCCC email account. Bills are available 24/7 on the student portal for paperless viewing.  Accounts that remain unpaid by the following dates will receive a $75.00 late fee: October 19th for fall terms and March 15th for spring terms or the date otherwise noted on the Tuition Statement. 
Payment Due Dates: Tuition and Fees are due by the first date of classes each semester. NCCC accepts payment via check, cash, money order, Visa, MasterCard and Discover card. All payments must be in US funds. Checks can be made payable to “North Country Community College” or “NCCC” and should include the student name or ID#. Online payments are available through the Student Portal or the quick-link on this webpage.   All payment processing is completed through the Business Office.
Failure to pay your bill on-time will result in the following consequences:
  • Late fees
  • Inability to obtain Diplomas, Nursing, Massage and Rad Tech NYS licensure paperwork until the account is paid in full
  • Inability to Register for Future Terms until the account balance is below $500.00
*Student accounts being placed on hold may result in the account being sent to a licensed collection agency where additional costs will be incurred.  
Paying Out of Pocket: If a student is expecting to pay their tuition and fees out of pocket, the payment is due by the first date of classes. The payment must be made in full or a payment plan set up with first payment by the start of term to avoid late fees. 
Payment Plans: We offer payment plans with a one-time, non-refundable, $50.00 fee applied. Payments plans are split by the dates below:
Fall 2024 Semester Spring 2025 Semester
Payment 1 Due  - 8/26/2024 Payment 1 Due  - 1/30/2025
Payment 2 Due  - 9/26/2024 Payment 2 Due  - 2/28/2025
Payment 3 Due  - 10/31/2024 Payment 3 Due  - 3/30/2025
Traditional payment plans are three monthly payments having the balance paid by the start of Returning Student Registration. First payment is due no later than the start of each term. If set up early, the monthly amount can be split into smaller payments. Once a payment plan is set up, mailed statements are no longer sent out. Failure to make your monthly payments will result in late fees and the account being placed on hold.
Self-Paying: Student is responsible for making their own on time payments.
Automatic Payments: Credit or Debit Card information is given for the Business Office to make automatic payments on the specified date each month . 
Financial Aid and Paying your Bill: Tuition and fee payments are deferred for those receiving financial aid awards such as loans, TAP and Pell. These funds are received by the school within the second month of the semester and refunds will be issued at that time; please plan accordingly. Statements will be sent with Pending Aid included and any balance is expected to be paid upfront or no later than the first financial aid refund date.
Third Party and Paying your Bill: It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Business Office if a third party contributor, employer, etc. is paying all or part of their bill. Statements will still be sent to the student to notify them of whether or not third party payment has been received. 
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018: In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. 
This school will not:
  • Prevent nor delay the student's enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution, including but not limited to access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities.
However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
  • Produce their Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class;
  • Provide written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.
 For more information, please contact the VA School Certifying Official
IMPORTANT Veterans Benefits Update 2021:
Non-attendance Penalties: In accordance with section 1019 of Public Law 116-315, students who have created debts due to a change in their enrollment status, which resulted from an overpayment of tuition and fees and/or Yellow Ribbon benefits, are liable to repay those funds directly to their College Institutions.
You will still be responsible for repaying any debts associated with the monthly housing allowance and the books and supplies stipend to VA.
A school debt is established when a student terminates enrollment on or before the first day of the term and VA has paid the institution tuition and fees (and in some cases Yellow Ribbon payments). A student debt is established when the student reduces or terminates enrollment after the first day of the term. When a debt is established, either the student or the school is notified and provided next steps to address the overpayment.
Please note according the NCCC College Policy any account with a balance due will be placed on hold; see hold description above.
In-State Tuition for various GI Bill Recipients: Public Universities will be required to charge GI Bill Recipients using Chapter 31, Chapter 30 and Chapter 33 in-state tuition rate for classes. This change will remove the current restriction that requires schools to charge in-state tuition only for GI Bill recipients within three years of their discharge date. Now, all veterans and dependents using transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits will be charged in-state tuition, regardless of when the veteran left service, once proof is presented to the Business Office.
Financial Aid Refunds: Refunds are given after the financial aid is applied to cover account balances first. Refund dates vary and are determined by fluctuating factors such as the date of completion of aid by the student, the release of funds by Federal and State providers, confirmation of attendance, etc. As student financial aid refund checks are not available until the seventh and eighth week of the semester at the earliest, students should plan their budgets accordingly.
Refunds checks are processed and distributed by the Business Office.  An email will go out to each student account when their check is available for pickup or has been mailed. Students must present a valid form of ID to pick up their check.
Checks that are not picked up within two weeks will automatically be mailed to the billing address on file per NYS law. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their billing and mailing addresses are current with the Records Office. 
Tuition Refunds: Students who have registered for classes in a given term and who fail to notify the College in writing prior to the first day of classes will be charged for the entire semester or, if applicable, utilizing the time frame set forth by College policy.
Refunds are given on the Tuition Cost only; fees and book sales are non-refundable. Requests for Tuition Refunds originate with the Records Office once the appropriate forms are signed for your withdrawal. Upon written verification by the Records Office, refunds for Tuition will be processed by the Business Office.


The amount of refunds for Fall and Spring Terms is as follows:
During the first week of classes: 100% Refund - Add/Drop Period
During the second week of classes: 75% of tuition
During the third week of classes: 50% of tuition
During the fourth week of classes: 25% of tuition
After the fourth week of classes: No refund
Quarter Courses follow a different refund policy.
1 to 5 days after the first day of the class: 100% Refund – Add/Drop Period
6 or more days after the start of the class: No refund

Summer and Winter sessions follow a different refund policy.
Winter 2025 Liability Schedule: 
Session 1 starting 01/02/25.
01/02/25-01/04/25: 100% Refund - Add/Drop Period
After the third day of class: No refund
Summer 2025 Liability Schedule:
Session 1 starting 05/27/25.
05/27/25-05/29/25: 100% Refund - Add/Drop Period
After the third day of class: No refund
Summer 2025 Liability Schedule:
Session 2 starting 07/07/25.
07/07/25-07/9/25: 100% Refund - Add/Drop Period
After the third day of class: No refund
For more information on tuition refunds contact the Business Office. 
*Do not drop credits or stop attending classes without investigating the academic and financial aid penalties. Failure to attend classes does not eliminate your financial obligation to the College.
*Federal Student Aid regulations require additional refund procedures for Title IV recipients.
*No Refund will be made to students dropped for disciplinary reasons.
*No Refund will be allowed for fees or advance tuition deposits.