Contact Information
College Bridge Contact Information
Grades/Enrollment Registering Students Withdrawing Students Student Transcripts | NCCC Records | Maggie Willett 518-891-2915 x 1689 FAX: 518-891-4236 |
Bills/Payments Missing Late Refunds Other Problems | NCCC Business Office: | Barbara Collier 518-891-2915 x 1248 FAX: 518-891-6562 |
Academic Questions/New Courses New Instructors Other | NCCC Academic Affairs |
Sarah Maroun, Assoc Dean 518-891-2915 x 1243 Luke Hudak, Dual Enrollment Coordinator |
NCCC Mailing Address: | North Country Community College Attention: Sarah Maroun 23 Santanoni Avenue, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 |
If you have a question or problem, e-mail the person listed above