Email to Residential Students
Mar. 19, 2020
Dear Residents,
As the state of New York experiences a growing emphasis on response needs to the COIVD-19 pandemic and given the College’s imperative to move toward distance learning in order to significantly reduce campus density, residential students are discouraged from returning to NCCC campus housing after spring break until further notice.
Extensions on vacating your residence hall space will only be available for those students with special circumstances approved by the Executive Director of the Association. To request this, please contact Shannon Warren at
We understand students and families have questions or concerns about financial adjustments surrounding housing and meal plans. We are exploring that right now and will make every effort to communicate what will occur, following guidance from the State University of New York and Federal Financial Aid.
- If you have not yet departed for spring break, you may vacate your dorm room and complete the check-out process with a member of the Residence Life staff. Contact Jared Milligan at jmilligan@nccc.eduor call the duty phone to schedule your check out.
- If you have already left for spring break and have belongings on campus, you may schedule a time to come pick up your belongings no later than May 16 or request storage using this Google Form.
o If you have storage needs, you may box up your belongings and label with your full name. A storage container will be available on a first-come first-serve basis.
- If you need an extension on vacating your dorm after spring break and are approved to stay by the Executive Director, please note you may be relocated to a different residence hall in order to take the other facilities off-line. Dining services food will be provided for any of those still remaining in the dorms under special circumstances. Access to the Saints Community Center kitchen and laundry will continue until all residents have vacated.
We know this is a time of rapid change and we are all adjusting to many variables outside of our control. Please understand this decision was not made lightly and we regret its necessity. Questions about this decision may be directed to Shannon Warren at
Thank you.