About P-TECH
P-TECH is both an education and economic development initiative. The P-TECH grade 9-14 model prepares students to be the highly skilled, critical thinkers and problem solvers that our 21st century workforce requires. Each of New York State’s innovative P-TECH schools bring together three essential partners: K-12 education, higher education and industry. The model offers an integrated six-year program, combining high school, college and career training for disadvantaged students, who will be provided the opportunity to graduate with an Associates level degree (at no cost) and will be first in line for a job with participating businesses. The school design, drawn from research-based effective practices, offers a rigorous academic curriculum, targeted technical training, comprehensive workplace learning and individualized support services and pathways.
Benefits for Students
P-TECH fast tracks students to their career goals. Students pursue a career pathway focused on their long-term goals through the P-TECH course of study, which provides an incentive to persist and complete their education. They graduate with a high school diploma and cost-free AA/AAS degree, a “first in line for jobs” option with partner employers, and a firm foundation for future educational and employment opportunities.
Benefits for the Community
P-TECH strengthens communities. It helps align education, workforce and service systems to promote a strong economic future and build an engaged citizenry. P-TECH provides a robust local talent pipeline and helps the local economy grow and retain a workforce.
Helpful & Informative Links:
Northern Borders P-TECH Academy Website
In the News…
Proving P-Tech Success: Students Graduate with Diploma and Tech Degree June 2, 2015
Salmon River Central School joins state career readiness program October 31, 2015
NCCC launches P-Tech educational program April 2, 2016
North Country Community College and Northern Borders Academy School District Partners:
Salmon River Central School District
Brushton-Moira Central School District
Malone Central School District
North Country Community College and Northern Borders Academy Business Partners: