Film Screening: Ohero:Kon (Under the Husk)

John Brown Lives!, North Country Community College, Lake Flower Landing and Bluseed Studios co-sponsor a virtual screening of award-winning short film Ohero:Kon (Under the Husk) by Katsitsiooni Fox, Thursday, September 24 at 7:30 pm.
“Ohero:kon - Under the Husk” is a 26-min documentary following the journey of two Mohawk girls as they take part in their traditional passage rites to become Mohawk Women. Kaienkwinehtha and Kasennakohe are childhood friends from traditional families living in the Mohawk Community of Akwesasne. They both take part in a four- year adolescent passage rites ceremony called Oheró:kon “Under the Husk” that has been revived in their community. This ceremony challenges them spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. It shapes the women they become.
The film will be available to watch online from September 20-25. There will be a conversation with the Katsitsionni and one of the young women in the film immediately following the Sept 24 screening at approximately 8 pm.
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