
NCCC-issued identification can serve multiple functions at the College including:

  • Photo identification that you are a registered member of our College community - students and employees
  • Digital profile photo on your Office 365 webmail account - students and employees
  • Class roster student photos
  • Clinical site photo identification badges for nursing and radiologic technician students
  • Access to your student or employee Meal Plan at our Saranac Lake Campus Dining Services
  • Access to your campus housing on the Saranac Lake Campus
  • Student ID discounts off campus

Please follow these quick steps to submit your photo for use in NCCC issued identification:

STEP 1: Click on the WEBMAIL link in the banner the bottom of the homepage.

Web banner screenshot

STEP 2: Sign into your NCCC Office 365 account using your or email and password credentials.

Office 365 Log In ScreenshotSTEP 3: Click on the profile circle (with your initials inside) in the upper right hand corner of your browser.

STEP 4: Then click to open "My Office Profile."

Screenshot of Webmail homescreen

STEP 5: Finally, click on the camera icon to upload a profile photo of yourself. 

Screenshot of Office 365 Profile

Please upload your profile photo as soon as possible to ensure all functions of identification at the college can be processed in a timely fashion. Questions about the identification process at North Country or to request a printed Student ID or Employee ID contact 

Note for housing students and allied health students:

  • All residents who live on campus in Saranac Lake will receive a printed Student ID card automatically.
  • Students attending clinical sites that require a photo ID badge issued by the College will receive one as requested by their Department Chair.