Info Sessions and Web Resources on Coronavirus
SARANAC LAKE -- In an ongoing effort to keep the college community up-to-date and prepared for the potential arrival of coronavirus, the college will host a series of information sessions in the coming days. Students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to attend one of these sessions. At each session, college officials will present information on how we are planning for the coronavirus and outline precautions students, faculty and staff can take to prevent its spread. Refreshments will be available.
The dates, times and location for each session are as follows:
-Saranac Lake: Thursday, March 5, 12:15 to 1:15, S-19 (near the Bookstore)
-Malone: Tuesday, March 10, 12:15 to 1:15, Mills Mezzanine
-Ticonderoga: Sessions are being scheduled by class. Contact Michele Pearsall, Coordinator of Wellness and Support Services, for more information at 518-891-2915 ext. 2203 or
Additionally, the college has created a page on its website with information about our planning efforts, steps you can take help prevent the spread of coronavirus, and additional resources. It is being updated on a regular basis.
As with any communicable illness, there are preventive measures everyone can take to help reduce their risk of becoming sick. We’d ask you to practice these measures and share them with your family and friends:
- Wash your hands often. Honestly, it is hard to overdo it, especially during flu season: Wet, lather, scrub for at least 20 seconds, rinse and dry. Consider keeping an alcohol-based hand sanitizer around for those times when soap and water might not be readily available. Additional information can be found on the CDC’s website (
- If you can avoid it, don’t touch your face. And, if you must touch your face, wash your hands immediately before doing so. Mucus membranes on your face are the openings through which respiratory infections enter your body.
- If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into your sleeve. Then wash your hands anyway.
- Avoid close contact with sick people.
- Prepare for home isolation. If you come down with any kind of illness, often defined by a fever and any other symptom, stay home and call your health-care provider. Keep a supply of food, water, a thermometer, and medications on hand in case you become sick and cannot travel to obtain needed items.