Drug Abuse Prevention Plan
The College is committed to helping its students and employees achieve their personal
and educational goals. Having determined that illicit drugs and alcohol are not compatible with the College’s
commitment and not necessary to the achievement of these goals, the College requires students, employees,
and visitors to refrain from unlawful drug activity and the unauthorized use of alcohol on our campuses and at
College sponsored events.
North Country Community College has an ethical as well as a legal obligation to address
the issue of illicit drug or alcohol consumption by employees, students and student employees on its campuses,
at College sponsored events or on property controlled by the College. To this end, NCCC will:
Publicize and implement a drug and alcohol abuse awareness and prevention program
for all students, employees and student employees.
Publicize and consistently enforces rules that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession,
use or distribution of alcohol or illegal substances by students, employees or illegal substances by students,
employees or student employees on its property or at its activities.
Publicize and employ a process of reporting illicit and unauthorized possession,
use, manufacture or distribution of illegal substances and alcohol.
Distribute annually the applicable legal sanctions under Local, State and Federal
law for unlawful
possession, use manufacture or distribution of illegal substances and alcohol.
Distribute annually a description of the health risks associated with the use of
illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol
Distribute annually a list of regional treatment, rehabilitation or re-entry programs
available to students, employees and student employees.
Distribute annually a clear statement that NCCC will impose disciplinary sanctions
on students, employees and student employees consistent with the NCCC Code of Conduct—Statement of Individual
Rights and Responsibilities as well as Local, State and Federal laws.
Enforce the NCCC policy prohibiting the advertisement of alcoholic beverages.
Comply with all provisions of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act or 1989.
Comply with all provisions of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988.
Conduct a biannual review of its Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Plan to determine
effectiveness and to implement appropriate changes to the program.
Alcohol Regulations
1. Refrain from the use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages on College
owned or controlled property or while attending sanctioned off-campus College events. The College permits
the consumption of alcoholic beverages at social functions only when the President in advance of the
event has granted permission in writing. In the event the President grants permission, only those individuals
authorized by the President shall be permitted to bring alcoholic beverages onto a campus/site for
College functions. Consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only within the approved area
designated for said event. No person under the age of 21 years shall consume any alcoholic beverage at
any College sanctioned event.
2. Students and employees found in violation of Local, State, or Federal laws regarding
alcohol use will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Note: the age limit in New York
State for purchase, possession, or consumption of alcohol is 21. Local laws include open container laws
that make possession of an open container of beverage alcohol unlawful.
3. Students violating this policy will be referred to Director of Campus and Student
Life or the College President. Disciplinary sanctions can include suspension, dismissal from the College
or participation in a rehabilitation program. Employees and student employees violating this policy will
be referred to the appropriate Office of Campus and Student Life or the appropriate Vice President.
4. Disciplinary action for employees and student employees can include suspension without
termination of employment or participation in a rehabilitation program. Compliance
with this provision is a condition of employment.
Drugs and Controlled Substances Regulations
1. Students and employees found in violation of Local, State and Federal laws regarding
drugs and controlled substance use will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
2. Students possessing, using, manufacturing or distributing illicit drugs on campus
or at a College sponsored event will be referred to the Director of Campus and Student Life or the College President.
Disciplinary sanctions can include suspension, participation in a rehabilitation program or dismissal
from the College.Employees and student employees possessing, using, manufacturing or distributing illicit
drugs on campus or at a College sponsored event will be reported to the appropriate Vice President.
Violation of the policy can result in disciplinary action that may include suspension without pay, termination
of employment, or participation in a rehabilitation program. Compliance with this provision is a condition
of employment.
These internal disciplinary procedures are not intended to replace those of local
law enforcement
agencies. Employees convicted of a drug offense that occurred on campus or at a College
sponsored event are required by law to so notify the College within five days of conviction.
College Obligation for Notification: The College is obligated to notify the appropriate
Federal-contracting agency,
if applicable, within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of an employee conviction
as described above.
Policy on Maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace
North Country Community College is committed to the development and maintenance of
a drug-free environment.
In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, NCCC will not tolerate the
illegal manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance on its premises.
Premises includes College-provided offices, work locations and/or classrooms, lockers,
lounges, eating areas, gymnasiums, parking lots, off-campus sites used to conduct student activities, properties
controlled by the college and any vehicle engaged in College operations.
Prohibited items and substances include illegal drugs and other mind-controlling substances,
inhalants, prescription drugs (excepting those prescribed by a doctor for the person possessing
same in their original container), and equipment related to illegal drug substance use or manufacture.
Violation Reporting Procedures
Each College employee (including student employees) as well as those newly hired at
the time of their orientation will be notified of the NCCC Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Plan with emphasis
on the obligation for compliance as a condition of employment.
Any College employee convicted of a criminal drug statute violation which has occurred
on its campuses, at College sponsored events or on property controlled by the College shall provide his or her
appropriate Vice President or President notification, preferably written, of such conviction, including any resultant
conditions, within (5) days of conviction. Student employees shall notify the Director of Campus and Student Life.