Code of Conduct
The NCCC Code of Conduct provides realistic guidelines for individuals to follow regarding their academic, social, and personal conduct. The Code reflects that which is appropriate, reasonable and considerate action for members of the College community. The Code is monitored by the College Review Board and applies to all members of the College community. It is appropriate and reasonable to expect members of the College community to:
1. Comply will all laws of the Villages and Towns in which the respective College campuses/sites
are located, as well as all State and Federal laws.
3. Proceed in an orderly, lawful and responsible manner when attempting to change or modify College rules and regulations that are considered in need of reconsideration and modification.
4. Not engage in harassment of individuals based on status, age, sex, handicap, race, creed, gender, position of authority or for any other reason. This includes any activity which endangers the mental or physical health of another individual, such as verbal or physical activity of a threatening or offensive nature against another, either in person, by telephone, by computer message or otherwise; activity amounting to stalking or refusing to cease a course of conduct when requested to do so by another individual; activity consisting of nonconsensual touching of another individual, etc.
6. Complete their pursuit of knowledge following the highest levels of scholarship. For students this means abiding by the academic tradition not to plagiarize, nor seek, receive, utilize or provide unauthorized assistance in the completion of assignments and tests.
7. Comply with all terms and conditions set forth in the NCCC Responsible Use of Electronic Communication Policy incorporated herein as Appendix.
9. Attend to their College duties (teaching, learning, administering, etc.) with the desire and goal to achieve excellence, and with due care and concern for the individual and collective rights of others.
10. Use socially acceptable language.
11. Dress in a manner socially acceptable and befitting to the various College activities.
12. Represent the College to the wider public community in a manner consistent with the purposes of the College. The NCCC standards of behavior apply to both on and off-campus conduct when relevant to the mission, processes, functions, or interests of the College.
13. Comply with all “No Tobacco Use” signs and regulations for health and safety reasons.
14. Refrain from the use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages on College owned or controlled property or while attending sanctioned off-campus College events. The College permits the consumption of alcoholic beverages at social functions only when the President in advance of the event has granted permission in writing. In the event written permission is granted by the President, only those individuals authorized by the President shall be permitted to bring alcoholic beverages onto a campus/site for College functions. Consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only within the approved area designated for said event. No person under the age of 21 years shall consume any alcoholic beverage at any College sanctioned event.
1. The procedures for enforcement of these standards of conduct involving College staff and employees have been established in the applicable collective bargaining agreements between staff and employees and the College, and said procedures shall apply.
2. The procedures for enforcement of these standards of conduct involving any student are as set forth below, and these procedures shall apply to all acts or conduct of a student which are of an academic or a non-academic nature occurring on any of the campuses/sites of the College, or off campus at a function sponsored or conducted under the aegis of the College.
1. When any provision of these procedures requires that a written notice be given to another person, the term “written notice” shall be deemed to require that such written notice to be given be mailed to said other person by United States Post Office certified mail, return receipt requested. If such notice is to be given to a student, it shall be addressed to the address last appearing on the student’s current College registration form on file at the Records Office of the College.
If such notice is to be given to a member of the faculty or staff of the College, the notice shall be addressed to that person by title and name and shall be addressed to the campus address where the staff person’s office is located. For purposes of computing all time requirements provided by these procedures based on a time for giving of notice, the giving of notice shall be deemed to commence on the date of actual mailing such notice at the Unites States Post Office by the sender, and such date shall be established by the stamped date of the United States Post Office stamped on the receipt received by the sender at the time of mailing, regardless of the date when such notice be actually received or accepted by the recipient.
In the event any violation of the Code of Conduct is established, any of the following sanctions or combination of sanctions can be imposed:
1. Official reprimands and warning letters may be imposed outlining the consequences if the behavior continues.
In those cases where a sanction recommendation is made for dismissal of a student from the College or denial or the revocation of a College honor, degree or certificate, the following final appeal process is available:
1. The student may appeal the Dean’s recommendation of dismissal or denial or revocation of a College honor, degree or certificate to the College President within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Dean’s decision. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall set forth a clear statement of why the student claims the recommendation of the Dean should not be followed, stating all details and specifics constituting the grounds for the appeal.
2. The College President shall make a final decision of such appeal and notify the student of the President’s decision in writing, with copies to the Dean of Academic Affairs, the Dean of Student Affairs, and the College Review Board. Notification will be made to the student within ten (10) working days of receipt of the student’s appeal.
Participation in college individual and team sports carries with it certain conditions and expectations as stated in the contract athletes sign at the beginning of each season. Team coaches and the Athletic Director monitor those conditions. The terms and conditions of the contracts for athlete students are incorporated herein by reference for those students.
Academic Regulations
Academic regulations are found in the College catalog. All academic regulations concerning admissions, registration, curriculum offerings, matriculations, academic progress, financial aid and student activities in the College catalog are incorporated herein by reference for all students.
Parking is permitted on campus only in places designated as parking areas. Areas where parking is prohibited are marked. The vehicles of violators’ will be clamped, ticketed or towed at their own expense. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on campus is forbidden. Repetitive violations shall be deemed a violation of the Code of Conduct.
The use of College facilities is monitored and regulated by procedures enforced by the Dean of Student Affairs, the Dean of Academic Affairs, the Business Manager and/or the Site Coordinators. Those offices can provide copies of the procedures for use of any facility. Those procedures are incorporated herein by reference.
A. Any failure to comply with directions of a College official or approved vendor acting in the performance of their duties.
B. Failure to show proper identification to a requesting College official or approved vendor acting in the performance of their duties.
H. Tampering with safety equipment, including but not limited to fire alarms, fire extinguishers or emergency exits.
J. Unauthorized use of the name of North Country Community College or a College related organization, or claiming to speak or act in the name of the College or any related departments. All official North Country Community College news releases (other than drama or athletic activities) shall be channeled through the President’s Office. All news releases will be prepared and distributed by the College staff member designated by the President.
By using any of these computer systems the user agrees that they have read, understand, and will comply with these Guidelines.
The College does not censor or condone censorship. NCCC does, however, reserve the right to place appropriate restrictions on the use of its computers and systems in response to verified, valid complaints presenting evidence of violations of these Guidelines, applicable College policies, the Code of Conduct - Individual Rights and Responsibilities, as well as Local, State, and Federal Laws.
Users of NCCC computers and computer systems are responsible for complying with the following conditions:
A. Equitable sharing of all computers, computer systems, software, and Internet access and instructional services.
The full range of sanctions is available for any and all violations. In the case of criminal acts, further legal action by law enforcement officials beyond the limits of the NCCC Code of Conduct - Individual Rights and Responsibilities may result.
A. Any Federal, State, or Local Law.
O. Violating copyright laws, usage policies, or violating network regulations or contracts.
The College is committed to helping its students and its employees achieve their personal and educational goals. Having determined that illicit drugs and alcohol are not compatible with the College’s commitment and not necessary to the achievement of these goals, the College requires students, employees, and visitors to refrain from unlawful drug activity and the unauthorized use of alcohol on our campuses and at College sponsored events.
North Country Community College has an ethical as well as a legal obligation to address the issue of illicit drug or alcohol consumption by employees, students and student employees on its campuses, at College sponsored events or on property controlled by the College. To this end, NCCC will:
⦁ Distribute annually a clear statement that NCCC will impose disciplinary sanctions on students, employees and student employees consistent with the NCCC Code of Conduct - Statement of Individual Rights and Responsibilities as well as local, state and federal laws.