DEI 100: Welcoming and Belonging
The Welcoming and Belonging microcredential focuses on the ingredients that are the core competencies which together can cook up the recipe for environments of joy and belonging--spaces where people wish to work, to gather, to play.
These core competencies are all teachable - they are skills you can learn, so that you can be a strong leader within your organization, business, community, and family to help cultivate collective action that benefits both yourself and your wider community.
You will learn to create the kind of diverse and celebratory community you wish to be part of that learns from different knowledge systems, is able to embrace failure as part of a learning culture, and doesn’t shy away from acknowledging where there is mistrust, pain, or wounds that need to be addressed so that we can then do better and move to spaces that are more creative and spark joy.
To do this we have put together a microcredential that entails a set of learning pathways including such core competencies as: the ability to understand culture at a deep level (beyond music/food/language), to cultivate spaces of vulnerability and deep listening, to learn and utilize specific communication technologies such as nonviolent communication, and the ability to lead with data making use of systems thinking and improvement science - fancy words for ideas that simply put - will help you see the big picture of what is both causing the problems you wish to address and to see more clearly possible solutions by understanding what is taking place through multiple perspectives.
If you are seeking to help retain a more diverse employee workforce, to cater to a diversifying client base, to foster joy in your workspace, to learn to be a more effective leader and utilize qualitative data and storytelling more effectively as part of your skillset, or how to create intelligent theories of change - then this microcredential is for you!