Office of Academic Affairs


NCCC Students and Faculty


Online Learning Information for Students  

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Contact the Help Desk at or 518-891-2915 ext. 4357


Academic Affairs at North Country Community College includes credit and non-credit courses, summer school, the College Bridge program, academic support from the Learning Assistance Centers, and the Library.

Our office is available to aid students from the very moment they decide to apply to North Country.  Have a specific question or service you're looking for?  Here is information on some of our most frequently asked about resources and services. Can't find what you're looking for? Contact a member of our staff and we'll be happy to help.

Office of Academic Affairs Resources & Services:

 Absence due to Religious Beliefs

 Academic Grievances

 Academic Standing and Honors Lists

 Articulation Agreements & Transfer Services

 Change in Program of Study 

 College Bridge Program

 College Catalog

 General Education Courses 

Grading System

 Academic Forgiveness Policy

 Learning Assistance Centers

Accommodative Services for Students with Disabilities (ADA-504)


 Withdrawal from Classes or the College

Office of Academic Affairs Staff: