Introduction and Welcome
Vision Statement:
The NCCC Nursing Program provides a teamwork-centered environment, facilitating safe
exploration of topics related to health, illness, and human flourishing, and creates
a path forward for advancing education and lifelong scholarship. We want to be the
College of choice, specializing in rural healthcare, for nursing students seeking
to develop into caring nurses who consistently demonstrate excellence in nursing practice
and make a positive contribution to their respective communities.
Congratulations on your acceptance into the North Country Community College (NCCC) nursing program! This represents a significant step towards achieving your educational goals and entering into our profession. Becoming a nurse is a process that begins your first day of school, continues through classroom and clinical experiences, is furthered at graduation and into a nurse’s first position, and never really ends…
Your choice to enroll in NCCC’s nursing program means that you will learn from an experienced, educated faculty who value your learning, work to utilize current evidence and clinical practices, and foster a learning environment that promotes the exploration of the myriad of subjects that nurses must understand and apply.
Nursing school is challenging in many ways that students don’t always realize before they begin classes, but it’s also incredibly rewarding and represents a period of personal growth and acquisition of knowledge that becomes part of who you are as a nurse.
The opportunity to help students undertake learning that results in the requisite knowledge, skill, and compassion that new licensed practical nurses and registered nurses must have to be proficient practitioners is one that your faculty are fully committed to and take incredibly seriously.
Our partnership with you as a student is one that serves to guide you through this journey, and this handbook serves as a reference to expectations, policies, and information to help you during your time in the nursing program. We apply our student policies consistently and in a non-discriminatory manner. These policies are also available to the public and mirror or exceed (based on the rigors, goals, and outcomes of the nursing department) general NCCC policies.
Welcome and Congratulations. You’re on your way and we’re glad you’re here!
Tana Hare, MSN/Ed., RN
Director, School of Nursing
North Country Community College