NCCC Nursing Club
The North Country Community College Nursing Club will exist to celebrate and enrich
the experience of being a nursing student at North Country Community College.
Students will be encouraged to demonstrate Professionalism and leadership skills while exemplifying the caring compassionate characteristics of the professional nurse through participation in civic, community, and college events.
Club social events may also be planned to promote fellowship and a sense of comradery between class members and between students in the practical nursing and student nursing programs.
The Role of the Faculty Advisor
The faculty advisor serves as a resource person supporting and assisting representatives and nursing students in attaining their identified club goals. The faculty advisor supervises club activities, maintains ledgers for club accounts, deposits monies raised into the Club account, and will facilitate and request withdrawals to satisfy club expenses.
The Role of the Class Representatives
Class representatives participate in the PN/ADN monthly meetings to plan and share ideas. They collect ideas from students that promote club activity and share ideas during monthly meetings. It is the responsibility of the class representatives to inform members of club events and fundraising outcomes. With input from class members, the Club will determine goals for the academic year determine how much money the Club would like to raise, where these monies will be spent, and what community events the Club would like to participate in.
Class representatives will create a sense of fellowship and unity within the class and between the programs (PN/ADN). They will encourage participation in community affairs and activities towards attainment of identified goals for the year. The class representative will assist with planning and organizing the pinning ceremony and promote fundraising for the pinning ceremony on their respective campus. In addition, the Class Representatives will assist with mentorship of PN students and participate in a nursing orientation workshop. A nursing representative from each class (PN/ADN) will sit on the Nursing Advisory Board and attend the annual spring meeting.
Nursing Club is not a forum to voice problems with exams, instructors, curriculum or problems with other students. Representatives should refer the student to take these concerns to their instructor for resolution. If there is no resolution to the concern, the student and instructor should ask for assistance from the Nursing Director.