Business Programs at North Country
About our Business Program: Hit the ground running with a degree in business. Get the skills and experience you need to enter directly into responsible and productive careers in private industry and commerce, as well as the public sector. You will develop core business competencies and skills, gain valuable applied learning opportunities within the business community, and complete a background in general education.
Career possibilities: Accounting, Customer service, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Administrator, Human resources, Hospitality, Insurance, Retail, Marketing, Real estate. Some career paths require additional education or training.
What's next? Enter the public & private sectors or transfer to a bachelor’s degree-granting institution.

"I appreciate the one-on-one learning at North Country. Classes were taught at a pace for everyone, and the instructors really worked with the students to ensure we understood the assignments and how to apply them to our daily lives."
Check out some of these interesting Business Program courses
BUS 110
Business Math
Development of quantitative skills through application of mathematical operations to the solution of practical problems in general business, retailing, accounting, consumer credit, and personal finance. Topics include percentages, simple and compound interest, establishing retail pricing, discounts, depreciation, payroll, taxes, bank statements and reconciliation, preparing accounting financial reports, consumer credit, investing, annuities, and statistics.

BUS 154
Small Business Accounting
A practical approach to the principles of accounting pertaining to proprietorships. The accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements are emphasized, with a focus on control of cash, payroll, sales, and purchases. The latest available technology will be used to expose students to accounting software used by small businesses.
BUS 212
An overview of marketing management in modern organizations. Introduces basic marketing terminology and concepts, focusing on the marketing mix elements of product, price and promotion and distribution. The role of marketing in society is presented, along with economic, demographic, legal, ethical and technical considerations.